1. Worms weigh about 250 grams per 1000 worms.  (4000 = 1 Kilo)
  2. Worms can eat up to their own weight every day.
  3. Worms will NOT eat anything that is alive.
  4. Worms will turn any dead organic matter into castings (manure).
  5. Worms do not eat dry paper and cardboard (soak first in water)
  6. Worm castings (manure) is PH neutral and cannot burn your plants.
  7. Worms are good for the environment, in that they use up waste products and turn them into a useful product, saving space at the local waste disposal tip.
  8. Worms are within themselves both male and female (Hermaphrodites).
  9. Worms can start producing young at 3 months of age.
  10. Worms can lay sufficient eggs to double their own population about every 6 – 8 weeks.
  11. Worms can lay eggs every 10 days, which contain from 1 – 28 baby worms. They take 21- 28 days to hatch.
  12. Worms live about 3 years, but have been known to survive for 15 years.
  13. Worms used mainly for composting are Reds (Lumbricus Rebellus), Tigers (Eisenia Foetida) and Indian Blues (Perionyx Excavatus).
  14. Flat tail or reds are best for fishing. Tiger worms are not suitable as they exude an unpleasant smell, which fish do not like.
  15. Worm farms used for home recycling vegetable matter and scraps need between 1000 – 3000 worms on commencement (Min of 2000 recommended).
  16. Commercial worm farmers can have upwards of 10,000,000 worms. Imagine the worm population explosion.
  17. Some worm farmers grow worms for castings, others like our company grow mainly for live worm sales for use in home and garden type worm factories.
  18. Worms are good for the environment and can actually save councils time and money because waste is turned into a useful product. Paper, cardboard, kitchen waste, mulched trees, shrubs, lawn clippings, manure’s etc., can all be eaten by worms.